Residential Home Electrician – What Causes a Partial Power Outage?
When you hire a JMC residential home electrician in the Kansas City metro area, our expertise and professionalism will guarantee your home electrical system problems are solved so you can enjoy your home!
What Causes a Partial Power Outage?
Causes of a partial power outage can include:
· Broken connector or wire at one of the service leads on the home
JMC Electric recommends if you have lost what seems to be “half your power” call your local utility company and have them check your service feeder to the home. If the utility company does not find an issue on their end, contact JMC Electric to schedule a service call for further testing of your equipment and inside branch circuit wiring for faults.
Why Hire a Residential Home Electrician?
Working with local families and homeowners in Kansas City is one of JMC Electric’s favorite aspects of the business. We’re proud to have provided expert residential electrician services since 2002 to the Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Our fully licensed and insured electricians take pride in their work and customer service. Through our extensive residential electrical knowledge, we are able to provide quality workmanship at competitive rates with a full guarantee on work and the manufacturer’s guarantee on parts.
Residential Home Electrician Services For Over 20 Years!
In business since 2002, JMC Electric offers home, residential and business electrician services in Kansas City and surrounding communities and offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of our work.