How much does it cost to replace an electrical panel?

Tuesday, Mar. 17th 2020

How much does it cost to replace an electrical panel?

The cost to replace an electrical panel depends on a number of variables. Most older homes will have a 60–100-amp existing service. Depending on grounding distances for water mains, panel location being free and clear of obstructions, and meter location being acceptable; changes to the locations to meet a electrical service inspection pass for city permit can increase costs for electrical service upgrades of 100 – 200 amps with or without sub panels and disconnects required as well. To do a complete electrical service upgrade to 200 amps (Highly recommended) with additional protective devices and update your service being overhead or underground call anytime. JMC Electric includes all labor, material, and local taxes in pricing. JMC Electric also works with and includes all scheduling and paperwork for City and Utility inspections and clearances. Do not be dismayed, JMC Electric offers free onsite consultations with a written estimate with no obligations or costs. So, call today (913) 362-2100 and get the answers you need for your electrical service from JMC Electric!

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